レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 5月6日 01時22分

WHAT A MORNING🤪 Today is my first day off in a very long time and I had planned a lazy day at the house, cooking brunch, baking and tending to my plants. When I’m off I’m basically Martha Stewart except I curse more. Well. None of that happened because I woke up to a house covered in shit. I say this completely without exaggeration - covered (COVERED!) in shit. One of the dogs (or all three??) had explosive diarrhea in not one, or two, or three different places but in FOURTEEN places around the house. My dear husband woke up early to head out for a triathlon and did what he could to salvage what was left of our home but when I opened the door to my bedroom this morning I was met with a stench that cannot possibly be explained😆 Poop-streaks all over the house. Paw prints. Piles of poop. Barking dogs. Sleepy husbands attempts at pouring vinegar (yes, this happened) over the situation. And a 2-year old shrieking to be picked up from her crib. WHAT WAS A POOR MOM TO DO? I let her keep her pacifier, gave her a bowl of cereal and handed her the iPad so I could I proceed to clean the house to the tunes of Paw Patrol. Half-way through wiping up gallons of diarrhea, trying not to gag, I went to get more cleaning supplies and KNOCKED OVER A 1-LITER GLASS JAR OF MARINARA SAUCE. It fell from off a shelf and landed behind the washing machine where it will lay in a thousand pieces, drenching whatever is behind there (does anyone actually knows what hoes on behind the washing machine??) until it dries up and disintegrates. Seriously. I surrender. New moon in Taurus?? Retrogrades abound? WHAT WAS THIS MORNING?😂😬😅😂 Finally daddy came home, I went for a run (what?) and then got to practice by the pool. So all is well now. Sort of. Had two buy two new mops. Considered buying a new house along with them. Oh well. It’s Sunday! And I have a house! And I got to practice yoga! Life is still good. But whole shirtfork this was some kind of morning🙈 #isitmargaritaoclockyet?
PS the dogs are fine. I’m guessing it may have been the piles of horse poop I caught them eating at the beach yesterday buuut just guessing 🐎 💩 😷🤗


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