thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 5月1日 21時07分

Photograph by @andyparkinsonphoto/@thephotosociety
Mute swan and cygnet – This was one of my favourite images that I produced during my time with some local swans last year. Having spent several weeks in the company of the adults as they incubated their eggs I had been completely accepted by them, allowing this intimate and close approach. Standing next to them as the cygnet sat on her mothers’ back I was privileged with a uniquely intimate view of their bond. Equally however, as you can see from the natural behaviour being displayed in this image, both mother and infant were completely unconcerned by my proximity. In moments like this, as the mothers’ bill moved towards that of her infant baby I was firing off a few shots but of that sequence only this one has ultimately been processed, the tender moment when the mother and cygnets bills touch each other, framed against the white canvas of the mothers expansive plumage. It is of course, largely because of experiencing moments such as this, over and over and over again, that I have become so evangelical about the lives of our animal cousins. Whilst my passion might not be to everyone’s liking I make absolutely no apology, I cede no ground and I will continue to argue that the lives of these other living creatures, blessed as they are with all of the same complex emotions, should be treated with the same respect, fervour and passion that we afford to the lives of all of us hominids. We live among, and alongside these creatures, not above them, not superior to them or more deserving of life. This is not our Earth to with as we please, nor are the animals and birds with which we share it and the sooner that humanity catches onto this blindingly obvious, misplaced arrogance the brighter the future will become for all of our descendants.


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