thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 4月26日 10時53分

Photograph by @andyparkinsonphoto/@thephotosociety
Hippo abstract – It really doesn’t matter how many times a particular location has been visited or how many times an animal has been photographed, there is always a new image to be found. This is to me perhaps one of the single most remarkable aspects of the natural world, the simple fact that nature has never finished telling her story and every day she will reveal something new, something remarkable. For photographers such as me this makes our lives so much easier as every day is different and every day is a new adventure. I captured this image a couple of years ago whilst leading photographic tour to the Masai Mara, arguably one of the most astonishing wildlife spectacles to be found anywhere on Earth. A place that has been photographed by millions of photographers, it is easy to miss the subtle in pursuit of the obvious. On this morning we were exploring some secluded river banks looking for the elusive leopards but this moment really caught my eye as we passed by. Little more than a hippo lounging in a muddy stream my eye was drawn immediately to the abstract possibilities, the way that the scene would change as the hippo inhaled and exhaled, his buoyancy altering with every breath, the subtlety of rise and fall. I particularly liked it when there was separation between head and body, or when the topography of his nose was highlighted by the water level. Little details can make all the difference, I preferred it when both his ears were rotated forward whilst the water line on his back revealed the fluctuation in his movement. So let me please ask you all a question. One destination, one species, what is the dream for you. What place is calling to you and do you yearn to see, I would so love to know. For me it would be the polar bear mothers emerging from their winter dens with their new cubs, one day I hope to be so lucky!


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