Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 2月6日 08時45分

Being in an avalanche is like standing between freight trains going opposite directions at full speed. Snow gets shoved into your mouth, down your throat, up your nostrils, tearing at your clothes and pack. They tell you to try to swim…but it feels like you’re swimming against the current at the lip of Niagara Falls…it’s only worth the effort because the opposite is just too certain a fate. It’s funny how much a single event can shape a life. Even more interesting to me is the many different shades that any single event can be colored. Good. Bad. Right. Wrong. We try to shove our experiences into binary containers when in fact all experience has the capacity to be all things. This photo was taken after thinking that everything was going to be cut short, life snubbed out prematurely. My brain was changed, erupting from trauma shaped fissures of my childhood. And in the same moment, my career was almost instantaneously launched. Trauma brought me to place of understanding much more about myself and others. Career success grew an outsized ego. Trauma splintered me and I drowned myself in alcohol and affection. Career success offered me time to heal. So what result was better? Always returning to the binary question…was this experience good or bad for me?  The answer has always been, ‘Yes'. #natgeo #mentalhealth #adventure #mountains


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