Dutchのインスタグラム(nochtlii) - 1月29日 20時00分

My mom once told me, when you can’t find any sunlight aka positivity be the sunshine yourself??‍♀️✨ Many people will try to drown you in their own darkness and reflect their insecurities on you. make you feel bad. Instead of taking responsibility they rather see someone else feel the same as they do.. Unfortunately that’s how it works in this world??‍♀️ I always say there are many beautiful wrapped boxes of shit and once you open them and get to now the real person inside, it’s time to choose wisely. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So never let bad people bring you down!♥️ Instead shine your own little sunshine on them and make yourself happy by staying the beautiful person you are☺️ Just wanted to share that with you today✨ Have a great day! #teamnochtli #selfworth #positivethinking


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