Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 10月11日 10時39分

Photo by @Tim Laman. Male Red Bird-of-Paradise high in the canopy of Waigeo Island, poses on his display perch with the islands and ocean in the background. Indonesia’s provinces of Papua and West Papua on island of New Guinea make up the Land of Papua or "Tanah Papua" in the Indonesian language. This region supports one of the only remaining large tropical forests in the world and is home to nearly half of Indonesia’s biodiversity. Over 600 species of birds are found in Papua, including 27 bird-of-paradise species, many of which live nowhere else on earth. At a major international Conference in Manokwari on Oct 10, the provinces made a major commitment to a green future. West Papua has declared itself a “Conservation Province” and both provinces have tremendous environmental leadership, and committed to preserving 70% of their land as forest. Amazing and it was very inspiring to be present here the passion of the governors to protect their lands. See our new video from the @BirdsofParadiseProject “Tanah Papua – A Paradise for Birds” at the link in @BirdsofParadiseProject. #ConservationProvince, #ProvinsiKonservasi #RajaAmpat, #Waigeo, #Papua, #Indonesia, #TanahPapua, #PapuaBiodiversity, #RedBirdofParadise, #BirdofParadise, @Tim Laman, #ShotonRED, @reddigitalcinema


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