コンスタンス・ジマーのインスタグラム(constancezimmer) - 9月30日 02時51分

(Sorry everyone, teacher I just featured had already been picked) #10featuredteachers Meet Teacher #6 “Hi, my name is Truc Huynh (Ferrer). This will be my 6th year teaching and 1st year in kindergarten. I teach at a nonprofit organization in Stanton, a low to middle socioeconomic status neighborhood. The majority of our families are on financial assistants and many of my families work two jobs to send their children to our school. Our school is severely in need of students and are always working on creating an enriched learning environment. However, with little to no funding, I am always looking for grants and ways to provide hands-on materials for my little ones. Therefore, the majority of my items are hands on materials for my kiddos centers. Thank you!” LINK IN BIO

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