ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月15日 03時02分

Before throwing himself into playing Freddie Mercury in the Queen biopic @bohemianrhapsodymovie, @ramimalek had to work through conflicts of his own. He believed there was something naïve about those who thought that they could depict a real person onscreen. “Why would you want to alter anyone’s perception of their hero?” he recalled wondering. The reason, he decided, would be to tell parts of Mercury’s story that weren’t widely known and to make younger people aware of the man, and band, behind songs like “We Will Rock You.” The movie comes out this fall, after a decade of fits and starts. When the early trailers came out, glimpses of Rami’s sinuous embodiment of Mercury overlaid with the singer’s soaring voice left some fans in tears, while others fretted that Mercury’s queerness might have been “straight-washed.” “It’s nothing we don’t address,” said @ramimalek, who was photographed here by @ryanpfluger. “That’s another thing our film is good about. I don’t think it’s exploitative or salacious.” Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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