トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 9月7日 00時08分

. No matter HOW fit you feel or how fabulous you look at the beach, ultimately you can’t feel your happiest unless your MIND is in the right place.
And allll the compliments from ppl in the world can’t make up for toxic thinking in your own head.
Negative self talk can take you down faster than anything else. It takes work to catch yourself & turn it around but it’s work that will change your life more than anything.
I’ve seen so many ppl with the “perfect body” be completely caught up with life revolving around looking perfect..and yet they are completely miserable because they are chasing something they can only fulfill from the inside.
Chase greatness but make sure you are feeding that positive SELF LOVE on the daily & maintaining BALANCE. We are all more than just our shell.
#SelfLove #Mind #PositivityIsKey #LoveYourself #More #CoachTorrie #Love


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