マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 8月31日 06時47分

#FutureDad and #FutureMom are getting ready for #FutureFranti from the place we call home for much of our time... the back of a tour bus... Yes, our lives are a tad bit non-traditional, but it all feels normal to us and we look forward to life on the road with the little guy after we have some bonding time off during the month of September. We are super grateful for our wise and generous #SoulrockerFam for all the advice they can give in these next few days leading up to his arrival. So if ya got any newborn tips, fire away in the comments. Also we wanna give a big shout out to everyone who brought us baby clothes, stuffed animals, books, etc while we were on the road this summer. The baby room is well stocked with all of your love and good wishes!!! Thanks Jenny The Mama Coach for driving three hours to come teach us baby CPR and a whole lotta other good stuff! @jennyhamiltongp @jennythemamacoach #themamacoach


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