ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月10日 21時43分

China just can’t grow enough soybeans. That could blunt the impact of one of the country’s biggest weapons in a trade fight with the U.S. Last week, Beijing placed a 25% tariff on American soybeans. But China buys so much soy from the U.S. that it can hardly switch to new suppliers overnight. Last year, nearly 90% of the soybeans China consumed last year came from overseas. Replacing even a chunk of those with homegrown beans will not be easy. That’s why the provincial government in Heilongjiang, China’s top soybean-producing province, is offering generous subsidies to farmers both for growing soybeans and for switching their fields to soy from corn. @gillessabrie took this photo of Fu Wanjiang, a farmer working for a cooperative, in a tractor cultivating a soybean field near the border city of Heihe. Hou Wenlin started the Linfeng Modern Agricultural Specialty Cooperative in 2014. While he doesn’t think China will be able to replace soy imports entirely, he does believe that China can grow soybeans more scientifically. Modern farming is expensive, however. And in his case, it involves a secret weapon: American technology. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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