ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月28日 05時17分

Apricots are the most private fruit, loath to reveal their secrets. While other stone fruits grow tender on the surface as they ripen, apricots take an alternate path to maturity, softening from the inside out. The apricot’s fleetingly short harvest — only a few weeks long — explains the urge to save the season in a jar. But cooked fruit, no matter how expertly preserved, can never measure up to the flawlessness of its fresh counterpart. To be extraordinary, then, an apricot jam must offer something the fruit, out of hand, cannot. The most seductive flavor apricots have to offer is hidden within their pits. While the kernels, or noyaux, taste bland and bitter, they are rife with the sweet aroma of almonds, vanilla, apricots and lilies. Take the time to crack them from their shells. Steep them into the pot of bubbling fruit, where the heat will coax the perfume out of the noyaux and into the preserves. The resulting jam is an improbable improvement over the natural perfection of ripe stone fruit. @andreagentl took this photo of apricot jam for @nytmag and @nytfood. Visit the link in our profile for the recipe.


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