コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 6月19日 14時00分

Part 2...I was just in Mogadishu, Somalia, a place where when you tell people you are going, you can see the flash of fear run across their eyes. Being there I was reminded though once again of the importance of going and looking at people face to face. Of loving our actual neighbor, and the one on the other side of the world. I saw myself, my husband, my children in each person I met. We are one, all responsible for one another.
I am convinced that staying in our own little circle is not the way. When we do that we rob ourselves and others of the chance to look into each others eyes and see our sameness rather than our differences. We make it easier to forget our equality. To fear that others may take what’s ours. We make it easier to hate.
Maybe we should try to see the world as travelers; walk across the street, across town, visit the next city or state, or the next country. Look people in the eye. Follow someone you think differently than on twitter and listen to them, resist the urge to argue. Try to see the world as bigger than our worries, our problems, our fears. Know that there is plenty to go around. That all ships rise. That when we offer love to others we get it in return. Look for what connects us, what makes us the same rather than different. Recognize our one-ness. Love drives out fear. That I know for sure.


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