コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 6月19日 13時58分

This is a 2-parter...sorry to those who don’t like long posts, but just found this in my notes that I wrote coming home from my trip to Somalia last fall. I thought I’d eventually do a blog, but since that hasn’t happened ??‍♀️Here you go:

Here’s what I know..deep down we are all the same. We may look different, talk differently, live differently. But we all, every single one of us, were created by God in His image and are loved by Him immeasurably. We all want the same things in life, to love and to be loved, to feel safe and secure, to be respected and valued, to hold tightly and care well for our family and friends, to live a life that’s meaningful.
It’s much easier to hate someone or something you don’t know. Hate is driven by fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the differences. Fear of the “other.” Fear that I won’t get what I need. That someone else may get what’s mine. Fear that the world is limited.
When I travel I am always reminded that we live in a big, abundant world. Yes, there’s brokenness everywhere, and there is plenty of evil in the world, but more than that there is endless beauty, courage and goodness. More than we can ever imagine sitting in our living rooms, stuck in our own bubble, muddled in our own worries and problems....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




