ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月10日 00時00分

A year after the death of Freddie Gray, a teenager known as Nook was shot and killed by a police officer in #Baltimore. Nook’s mother, Toby Douglas, had long ago lost faith in Baltimore police. As job loss and drugs tore through the city, a policing idea called zero tolerance led to a breakdown in trust. In his community, Nook was known as a leader — a young man with ambition. But he was lured in by the streets. By 18, he was selling drugs at the corner of Calhoun and Pratt. And on Dec. 13, 2016, Nook was supposed to be at a basketball game. But he was somewhere else — and he had a gun. Nook got out of a car and shot at an oncoming vehicle. Then a campus police officer in an unmarked car shot him. Now, Toby and Nook’s grandmother, Davetta, are looking for the truth from the streets where he died. @mirandabarnes photographed Toby here. This week, we told her son’s story in a 5-part audio series, Charm City, reported by @stavernise and @lynsea.garrison. Visit the link in our profile to listen to it.


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