ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月31日 08時12分

In the 3 months before she was even born, Elianna Constantino received 5 blood transfusions and a bone-marrow transplant. All were given with a needle passed through her mother’s abdomen and uterus, into the vein in her umbilical cord. Elianna — who was born on February 1 with a robust cry and a cap of gleaming black hair — has a genetic disease that usually kills a fetus before birth. The condition, alpha thalassemia major, leaves red blood cells unable to carry oxygen around the body, causing severe anemia, heart failure and brain damage. The transfusions in the womb kept Elianna alive, but only treated her illness. The bone-marrow transplant has the potential to cure it. Will it succeed? It’s still too soon to tell. Elianna and her mother, Nichelle Obar, were the first patients in an experiment that pushes the limits of fetal therapy. If the treatment works, it could open the door to using bone-marrow transplants before birth to cure sickle cell anemia, hemophilia and other hereditary disorders — some so severe that the prenatal diagnosis may lead parents to end the pregnancy. @bryan.meltz took this photo of Elianna and Nichelle. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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