ナスティア・リューキンのインスタグラム(nastialiukin) - 5月29日 03時00分

This challenge was a true test for me not only physically but more so mentally... I’ll be the first to admit when I agreed to do this I was VERY nervous— especially when everyone kept telling me how gymnasts typically do on this show... but I was never a “typical” gymnast. I excelled more on the artistic, grace and flexibility side of gymnastics. I was NEVER known for my strength.

Throughout my career (and even more so now) I’ve been criticized for being “too skinny” or been told to “go eat a burger”— trust me I love myself a good burger and fries ?? so agreeing to do something that required so much physically strength was daunting, especially in front of millions watching on tv.

But I took this challenge upon myself and never doubted myself once... of course with the help of the amazing @sparklyninja, we got thru this together!! THANK YOU @ninjawarrior + @rednosedayusa for letting me be part of this very special day! Raising $30,000 for children all of the world is something that truly touched my heart. I also learned a lot from this day, but most importantly, never ever doubt your capability in any challenge life might throw your way :) #NinjaWarrior #RedNoseDay #BeGrander


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