Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 5月25日 09時43分

You might have noticed that there are more pictures of me on my Instagram feed lately. It’s intentional but not exactly an easy thing for me to do. You see, when Instagram first came out, I was a new mom who was only interested in posting pics of my baby. And before that, I was always the photographer amongst my friends. The other day, I was looking at old albums from high school and college and since I took most of the photos, I am in so few of them. I have to laugh that at some point I thought I would care to look back at all these photos of people I can’t even name now. Lately, I’ve been enjoying the women I follow on Instagram who are just as focused on themselves as their kids. I admire moms who put themselves out there and help me know the person beyond the mother. Before I had kids, a big part of my identity was my career. Now, I have somehow wrapped my family and my children up in what I do for a living so completely that it becomes harder to determine who I am without them. What are the things I like to do? What can I write about that isn’t parenting related? What do I have to offer outside of the ridiculous antics of my kids? Am I funny on my own? Right now, Mazzy and Harlow love what I do and being involved, but if they ever decided that they didn’t want to be a part of it, am I interesting enough to hold your attention? I hope so. And I’m working on it.


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