ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月16日 10時59分

Welcome to Grindfest, the world of medical punk. It’s an annual meetup of biohackers who gather to ask questions like this: Will artificial intelligence kill us or save us? Will global warming be worse than experts predict? When will the next financial crisis strike? “It’s not good enough to talk,” says Jeffrey Tibbetts, a registered nurse whose home in Tehachapi, California, plays host to the event. “You should be taking action. That’s kind of our ethos.” Grinders sleep in cars, tents and in sleeping bags all over Jeffrey’s property for the duration of the weekend. Less than a decade old, #Grindfest is the anti-establishment fringe of a #biohacking movement that’s increasingly in the zeitgeist, @alicehines_ writes. (Think health and fitness trackers, ‘cognitive enhancing’ coffee and vitamins, and billionaire-backed schemes to outwit aging.) @ardenwray took this photo of Ben Engel dangling Allen wrenches from his hand to show the locations of his magnetic implants. Magnets and radio-frequency identification chips, or RFID implants, are rites of passage among grinders. On the avant-garde are powered subdermal devices, which could communicate things like blood pressure and sugar levels via Bluetooth. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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