エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 5月10日 03時00分

“I have something I call "freshness". It means somehow re-energizing myself by getting outside to get some air. Even opening my window at night to let the outside in is getting freshness. Getting out of the house, out of the office to get freshness. I hike right out my door - snowshoeing or climbing a ridge close to my house. I can clear my head and get exercise at the same time. Being alone hiking or climbing in the backcountry is a great way to energize myself. Sometimes I hike with my wife Paula, and we both get exercise and can reconnect as well. She'll sometimes see me, slightly wilting, and tell me to go out and get The Freshness." Eddie Bauer guide @ed_viesturs #WhyIHike
photo: @jonmancusophoto


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