ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月1日 07時25分

For 36 years, Detroit has been under some sort of oversight from state and federal authorities. They watched over the city’s water department, police, transportation department – and, lately, the city’s finances after Detroit emerged from bankruptcy. On Monday, a vote ended the intense watch over city spending. For a while, Detroit was known for vacant, crumbling homes and rock-bottom prices. It was built for 1.8 million residents and now has fewer than 700,000. But the dilapidated houses left behind have been torn down by the thousands, and neighborhoods like Brush Park, photographed above by @eannrogers, are transforming. Construction equipment whirs non-stop. Old Victorians glisten with new interiors. “What brought me back?” said John Davis, one Detroiter who moved away, then returned. “Economic indicators.” Swipe left to see more photos from Detroit by @eannrogers, and visit the link in our profile to read more.


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