thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 5月1日 06時37分

Emperor Penguins, Cape Washington, Antarctica // Photo by Kevin Schafer – @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック – You may have missed it, but this past week marked International Penguin Day. It sounds like an excuse to go out and walk funny, but it is actually meant to encourage people to consider penguins and the issues they face in today’s world. I am often asked if penguins will suffer from global warming, and as is so often the case, the answer is a firm “maybe.” As temperatures rise in Antarctica - and they demonstrably are - some penguin species seem to be actually benefitting. But the jury is still well out on the most iconic of penguins: the Emperors, largest of them all. Most of us saw the film March of the Penguins, (if you have not, you are missing one of the great stories in Nature) and know how challenging life is for this extraordinary bird. But their life story, and complex breeding cycle, are built around the extent of “fast ice”, or sea ice connected to the shore. If this breaks apart too early, and the year’s new chicks will be unprepared and drown. But as old breeding areas disappear, perhaps new ones will become available, and the birds will adapt. I hope so, but we may not know for some time. In the meantime, I wish them well. #emperorpenguins #marchofthepenguins #climatechange @NikonUSA


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