ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月27日 22時46分

New York’s waters are home to 20 species of whales and dolphins. This man aims to count them all. Arthur Kopelman has been monitoring the local whale and seal populations so long that he knows some of the regulars by name. The 65-year-old is a founder and president of the Coastal Research Education Society of Long Island. He’s a guide for amateurs willing to spend 6 hours on the sea. And he’s also a professor at @fitnyc. “I’ve been able to radically change the institution,” he said. “Sustainability is now part of the mission of the college.” @joe_carrotta, who took his class, “Ecology and Photography: Sustainable New York,” was so impressed that he followed his professor on a season’s worth of outings — despite a susceptibility to seasickness. (He quickly discovered Dramamine.) “I’ve had an obsession with marine life for the longest time,” @joe_carrotta said. “But this was the first time I ever saw a whale. I was just in awe of this thing jumping out in front of me, a humpback whale, very near the boat.” Joe took these pictures — and more — in the waters around Long Island. Visit the link in our profile to see more photos. #?


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