ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月26日 01時07分

Nathalie Cabrol was 5 when she saw the first moon landing on television. Pointing at Neil Armstrong, she told her mother that this was what she wanted to do. Today, Nathalie, 54, is the director of the Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, a nonprofit organization that seeks to explore, understand and explain the origin of life in the universe. (Take the glamour of science fiction and add rigorous research and, as Nathalie puts it, “people who are passionate enough that they can put themselves into dire straits.”) She travels to some of the world’s most extreme and dangerous environments in search of organisms that live in conditions like those on the red planet. The @nytmag writer Helen Macdonald spent 26 days with Nathalie on an expedition to Chile’s high-altitude deserts. “The higher we climbed, the further we went back in time — not on Earth, but on Mars,” Helen writes. Swipe left to see @andrea_frazzetta’s photos of Nathalie and her team on their expedition in #Chile.


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