スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 2月28日 01時44分

?Visitors to the Great Cats exhibit may have noticed that our 12-year-old African lion, Luke, has had an on-again, off-again limp. Over the past year, our animal care team has been closely monitoring him for mobility issues in his right forelimb. A CT scan revealed a lesion on Luke’s spine. However, staff elected not to perform surgery due to significant complications that could arise related to post-surgical care. To help improve his mobility, vets prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications. As part of his treatment, the our veterinary team is performing deep tissue laser therapy and electro- and dry-needle-acupuncture on the affected areas. We’re happy to share that Luke is showing good progress and has resumed walking on all four limbs. While we don’t know how long the treatment will be effective, our animal care team will continue to monitor Luke and keep him comfortable. If you’re in the D.C. area, come visit Luke and our African lion pride at our Great Cats exhibit.


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