のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 2月6日 20時09分

Do you know “Ume”, the Japanese plum? Some may have tried the popular Umeshu (梅酒)?, and some may have seen Umeboshi (梅干し) on top of the rice in bento. Did you know that Ume has amazing health benefits, including liver-cleansing and cancer-preventing. The Japanese have eaten ume for centuries and have used it to fight hangovers, food poisoning, cold and even fever!! ? . In olden time, an umeboshi was the first thing a Japanese mother would reach for when their kids are unwell.
Today I had the honor to try out 4 original desserts by @janicewongmgm , top Singaporean artist and chef, using Ume from Wakayama prefectures. For someone who doesn’t really fancy sweets, I was really quite blown away, especially “Ume Paradise” (first photo) and the beautiful ume marble chocolate???.
The next time you spot Ume products, do remember Wakayama prefecture and maybe give it a try!

#紀州梅 #wakayama #ume #japaneseplum


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