ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月3日 21時59分

Long before it became an archaic symbol of everything wrong with our broken cities, New York City’s subway was a marvel. Other cities had subways, but none threaded through nearly as many neighborhoods as New York’s. As the city evolved over the decades, the subway was the one constant. Here, movement is a right. Now, no matter what the cost — likely $100 billion or more — the city must rebuild it to survive, Jonathan Mahler writes in @nytmag. If you’re a regular rider, you know this firsthand. If you’re not, swipe left to see what the subway looks like today, in photos by @damonwinter. Today, the biggest source of subway delays is simple overcrowding. Average train speeds are slower than they were in 1950. And much of the subway uses a signal system that dates to the 1920s and ’30s. What would rebuilding the subway actually look like? Visit the link in our profile to read on in @nytmag. And tell us: How has the subway shaped your relationship to the city? What is your most memorable subway story, good or bad?


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