ダニエル・ウッズのインスタグラム(dawoods89) - 1月1日 03時05分

Soooo 2k17 was my worst year to date. Year started off with being an idiot and getting a dui followed by a divorce followed by an mcl injury. karma was not on my side to say the least. I believe that things happen for a reason in ones life whether it has a positive or negative outcome. Luck was on my side for many years, so it was time for me to be tested. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions that at times I fully did not understand. My darkside was present and I had not faced it before. I grew further from my true identity and let the film of black cover my eyes. I did not feel love anymore, just resentment and hate. Confused with how to get out of this state of mind I began to worry if this feeling was forever. It wasn’t though, I just had to start with feeling love from within again. We all have the power to do incredible things in this life. We all have both light and dark sides in us. without loving ourselves first it is impossible to go out and show people our true self. Out of all the hard ascents that I’ve climbed during this lifetime and comps that I’ve won, this year has been my greatest feat so far. I’ve learned to take control back of my head and to feel love again. So fuck you 2k17 but also thank you ? for putting me to the test so I can enter 2k18 as my true self. wish everyone out there a happy new year and positive vibez going into next year ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





