ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 12月20日 00時33分

Generic kitten by Christmas tree shot because a selfie today would be a rather potato-esque. We had our 38 week growth scan today (I have regular scans at the local hospital because I have a high bmi). We heard that Pearl is back to back and measuring 8lb12oz. My lovely kind home midwife has said previously that she doesn't feel like a giant baby and has been such a help in keeping my calm and positive but the consultant today just terrified me. Big baby, perineal trauma, 39 week induction, pre op date for c-section, shoulders stuck and risk, were all words I listened to whilst she slid her gloopy scan wand round my belly. My instinct is to let this baby do her thing, be where she wants and come out when she's ready. It just feels rubbish to have gotten yourself into a lovely mindset and then have that poked at. On top of that, another lady (midwife??) then came and told me I had to give mrsa groin swabs. Mmmm yes please, I'd love someone I don't know to swipe a cotton bud round my nether regions, merry bloody Christmas! I got in the car, had a pity party cry and we all (me, Liam and Darcy) went to the shops to buy shiny things I don't need in Accessorize and then have lunch together in Bills. Thank God for good men and sweet Daughters when you're at a low ebb eh?! Would love to hear from any other mamas who were told their baby was big but then had uncomplicated, smooth deliveries!! ?????


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