ベスト・コーストのインスタグラム(best_coast) - 12月17日 08時09分

as i prepare to say goodbye to another year, i find myself feeling EMO (cuz duh, that’s my deal). this year was both painful and wonderful for me. i figured out a lot about myself, i went through so many changes, i let go of bad habits and patterns, i cried, i laughed, i cried some more- it was a real ??. so as it rolls to a close, i can’t forget to thank the true MVPs in my life this year- my friends, for being there for me through all of it. without you guys, i’m not sure it would have been so doable. onward and upward, bitches. and i hope the rest of y’all are ready for a new album cuz i got a lot of shit to get off my chest :)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




