TED Talksのインスタグラム(ted) - 11月18日 03時12分

What can octopuses teach us about different kinds of intelligence? Octopuses’ neurons lie outside their central brain, causing them to experience consciousness very differently than humans and most mammals do. They might not even have a full grasp of their own bodies, which explains why their tentacles operate independently and can still function even after being severed. What does this have to do with us? “We humans are forever trapped within the inner universes prescribed by our brains, bodies and environments,” says cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth. “But by studying the limits of our own awareness alongside the abilities of other species and by realizing that how we experience the world and the self is not the only way, we can gain startling glimpses into a space of possible consciousnesses.” Read his full article at go.ted.com/octopusbrain

Animation by @dennism00re


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