サディク・ハドゾビックのインスタグラム(sadikhadzovic) - 11月3日 21時24分

People will try to tell you that hard work is bad for you. And that you should work less. Don’t listen to them. Those people don’t enjoy their work, and they try to convince you of their fallacy.
Have you ever heard someone who loves their work, say that you shouldn’t work hard? No way.
You don’t work hard because of external motivation. People who think that hard work is about ego, escapism or money, do not understand the value of hard work.
Whenever I struggle or want to give up, I think about why I started. And yes working hard isn’t always fun but you know what? I choose the pain of hard work every single time. That’s why I work fucking hard inside and outside the gym.
Not because I want to get rich or recognized or anything else. I do it because it gives me pleasure. I never want to look back, and regret that I wasted my time doing meaningless shit.


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