ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 10月29日 08時33分

“I’ve never been one for haunted houses: I’m jumpy, and when I scream, people think a baroness has fallen,” writes @mrisaacoliver. But on a frightfully warm October weekend, he was brave enough to visit 4 haunted houses: “a seaside inn, a crazed colonial town, an 18-room fever dream and a fully-staged warehouse abduction.” Now in its 13th season, @bloodmanornyc — the aforementioned fever dream — caters to an older, clubgoing set in Manhattan. No doughnuts, no cider. For 20 minutes, @mrisaacoliver “fended off attacks from an ax-wielding contortionist, an undead stripper dancing across from, well, a dead stripper impaled on her pole, and a doctor who leapt across his operating table toward me, growling, ‘It’s just you and me, big guy.’” #BloodManor, which was photographed here by @jessierocks, has themed rooms and a labyrinth filled with beasts, demons and deranged clowns. It’s not, to say the least, for the faint of heart. (It’s also not for those under 14.) Visit the link in our profile to read about 3 more #Halloween frights in the NYC region. #?


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