のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 10月25日 19時50分

【Healthy recipe (hopefully)】Yesterday's #lazymamacookinghack was Fish&Chips - non-fry version. An idea inspired by @wholesome.possum. Junya loves french fries (which kid doesn't! ?) so here's a healthier version.
★Sweet Potato Fries?
(I use Tokushima Satsuma Imo)
1. Cut into thin strips. I was quite worried that it won't cook through, so I microwaved it for 2 minutes before the next step, it worked out well!
2. Drizzle olive oil and salt (umami salt is shiok!) and mix well.
3. Air-fry for 10mins on 180°C.
1. Marinate overnight with shiokoji (塩麹, 1-2 tablespoon), it gives it a lightly salted taste all over instead of just on the surface.
2. Coat it lightly with a teaspoon of olive oil and flour.
3. Air-fry 10mins on 180°C and 200° for the last 2 minutes if you like crispier skin.
Serve with mayo and ketchup! ? And... of course I had to eat up those salad for Junya...? it's for show only lol.



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