thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 10月24日 02時11分

Photo: @rubensalgadoescudero // In India’s state of Odisha villagers trap fish using cone-shaped baskets and solar light. Fewer than half of Odisha’s 42 million residents use grid electricity. Roughly 1.1 billion people in the world live without access to electricity, and close to a quarter of them are in India. The portrait was set up using solar lights as the only source of ilumination.

The long term project 'Solar Portraits' addresses the important issue of lack of access of electricity around the world. It is a series of portraits depicting the lives of inhabitants of remote areas worldwide who, for the first time have access to electricity through the power of solar energy. Each subject was asked how solar light has affected their life. The portraits were set up according to what they expressed. All scenes have been lit only by solar powered light which are contributing to the improvement in people´s standard of living.

#solar #india #energypoverty #portrait #sustainable #led #solarpower #energy #solution #onassignment #natgeo #nationalgeographicmagazine


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