Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 10月8日 06時15分

Everybody always asks me if Mazzy and Harlow ever fight. They do. They are fighting today. Mazzy has a friend over and Harlow wants to play with them too. It is not going well. The older kids are playing room mates in a fort and there is not enough room for three. After lots of tears from Harlow and discussions with Mazzy about being inclusive, I finally got Harlow to make a fort in another room, gave her supplies to call it a store and invited Mazzy and her friend to shop there. They got all excited, said Harlow had a cooler fort than they did and then Harlow refused to sell anything to them. Now they are fighting again. Play dates with an odd kid out are TOUGH.


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