アンジェラ・ペティのインスタグラム(angie_run800m) - 9月13日 15時47分

We all have strengths and weaknesses and I believe we should focus on our own progress rather than comparison to others
I may be able to run quite well, but I really struggle at swimming. And have only started doing it once a week recently, having not done much at all as a child. So swimming 1km today (with breaks) was an achievement for me. Even though I can go on 20km runs no problem. And for good swimmers, my swim probably wasn't even half of their warm up.
In the big picture my swim obviously wasn't nearly as much of an achievement as competing at World Champs, but in relevance to my running and swimming ability the swim was a big step for me
It's the small steps you are making as you improve in both your strengths and weaknesses that matter.
So make goals relevant to you, in all different areas of your life and you'll be amazed at how far you will go and how satisfying the progress in your weaknesses might be
Whether that's running 3km, getting an A in an assignment, completing an iron man, or cooking your first casserole, it's the progress on your journey that matters.
? @alishalovrich


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