thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 8月19日 07時50分

Cozumel (Pygmy) Raccoon: Critically Endangered – photo by Kevin Schafer – @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック // One of the most endangered carnivores on the planet is one you’ve probably never heard of - the Cozumel Raccoon. The face may be familiar, of course, since raccoons are common throughout North America, in places becoming urban pests. This animal, however, is quite distinct: smaller in stature, and with a reddish tail. Found only on an island better known for its beach resorts and poolside bars than its wildlife, the Cozumel Raccoon has been isolated from its mainland cousins since the Pleistocene, and with only a few hundred animals left, is now teetering on the brink of extinction. The threats they face are many: hurricanes, coastal development, feral dogs, and horrifyingly, non-native boat constrictors, set free on the island and now devouring many of the wild animals. There is some good news, however; protected areas have been created to save the raccoons’ mangrove habitat, and both residents and visitors are now learning more about the island’s natural treasures. Let’s hope its enough. #cozumelraccoon #endangered #cozumel #mapache


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