レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 7月26日 02時17分

Little moon. Lea Luna. Photographed in the @island.yoga Luna Shala, named for her before we knew she would be born during the full moon. It still blows my mind that she grew inside of me. That I birthed her. She is half @dennisfromsalad and half me but 100% her own little being. Already planting her feet firmly on the ground. Standing tall. Exploring the world. She loves everything green; trees, plants, all that grows. Flowers. And the sky. She's a guardian of the earth, this one. I always thought I was put here to change the world, to save something, someone. Everyone. But maybe I don't have to fix everything that's broken. Im starting to realize that maybe... I can bring healing to the world by focusing on what's already whole.
Maybe all I have to do to change the world is be a mother to this beam of light. #lealuna #lunashala #moonbeam #motherhood


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