スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 6月20日 21時49分

?A bridge too far? Not at all: Natural bridges left above a pipeline clearing in Peru turned out to be an incredibly effective way for arboreal mammals to get to food and potential mates and avoid predators. In the largest-ever canopy-based camera trapping study, our scientists found that the rate of mammal crossings on natural bridges (connecting branches left above the clearing) was more than 100 times higher than on the ground. The results plainly and powerfully show a simple way to effectively reduce the impact of human activity, like infrastructure development projects, on biodiversity. The Gray’s bald-faced saki monkey (Pithecia irrorata) was among the 25 arboreal mammal species in Peru that used the natural bridges left above the pipeline clearing. #WeSaveSpecies #EarthOptimism


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