Joel Sartoreのインスタグラム(joelsartore) - 5月28日 04時47分

Due to its bizarre appearance and unique adaptations, the aye-aye of Madagascar is often considered one of the strangest primates in the world. Physically, the aye-aye stands out because of its incisors (front teeth) that are continually growing, its extremely large ears, and its elongated middle finger which is almost skeletal in appearance. This specialized middle finger is used by the aye-aye to locate insect larvae by tapping on trees to determine whether there’s a hollow spot with a grub inside to eat, and then they spear the insect larvae with this digit to pull it out. Behaviorally, aye-ayes fall into a small category of primates that lead solitary lives, only engaging in social behaviors during courtship and child-rearing.
Like other lemur species on the island of Madagascar, the main threat to their survival is loss of habitat due to deforestation. However, aye-ayes also face threats from locals as traditional beliefs have led many local people to falsely believe that, because of their bizarre appearance, the aye-aye is an evil omen which must be killed on sight to avoid bringing bad luck to an entire village.
Captive breeding programs have been established to help protect the genetic-diversity of this declining species - worldwide the population of aye-ayes in human care stands at about 50 individuals.
Photo taken @dukelemurcenter.
#ayeaye #photoark #natgeo #SaveTogether


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