Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 5月26日 16時30分

Upper & Core Finisher ? Try adding this mini circuit onto the end of your workout to really burn out your shoulders and core ?? Work up to doing 45 seconds of each exercise. 15 seconds rest between each exercise. 3 rounds back to back. Ouchieeee ? ➡️ Raised plank walks (keep the hips as stable as possible throughout this movement) ➡️ Raised mountain climbers (twist though the core - opposite knee to opposite elbow - to target your obliques) ➡️ Raised reverse plank (an amazing exercise targeting under utilised muscles. Try to form a straight line from your head to your toes and squeeze your glutes and core throughout) ?? Wearing @adidasuk at @un1t_fulham ? #zvdworkout #strongzvd #strongsquad #girlgains


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