ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月21日 15時44分

“It’s like we are living in a foreign country, and we don’t have the luxury of turning on a faucet,” Lucia Rodriguez, 29, said of her Nueces County, Texas home and arsenic-loaded well. Every week, her family makes a trip to buy bottled water to drink. Now, she and a local advocate group are pushing to connect the community to fresh surface water about 4 miles away, tapping a federal funding source called the Community Development Block Grant. But that source might not be around if President Trump gets his way. His full budget proposal, due Tuesday, will zero out the CDBG, a program used to fund efforts like Meals on Wheels, homeless shelters for veterans, and in Lucia’s case, water improvements for her rural community in Texas that overwhelmingly voted to put @ドナルド・トランプ into office. “I regret voting for him,” Lucia’s husband, Ruben, said of the president. “Whenever you hear where he is actually trying to pull some of this money out of to contribute towards a wall, you think, ‘Man, that’s the last thing you should be thinking about.’” @samuelhodgson took this photo of kids playing in the Rodriguez family’s backyard. Swipe left to see more of @samuelhodgson’s photos from Nueces County, Texas, and visit the link in our profile to read more about the implications of axing the CDBG.


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