スミソニアン国立動物園のインスタグラム(smithsonianzoo) - 5月18日 06時31分

The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute has welcomed 7 black-footed ferret kits so far this year! Whelping season for black-footed ferrets is from May through July. Each litter of kits usually has 3 to 4 kits, but litters can be as large as 10 kits. When they are born, kits are blind and helpless. Their bandit-like dark markings start to come in when they are 3 weeks old. By 35 days old their eyes are open. By September the kits will be independent and living on their own. Every year kits born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute are reintroduced to the wild. #EndangeredSpeciesDay


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