のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 5月12日 23時30分

Mama: Can I take off your vest and arm band?
Junya: Later I die!!!!!
Omg this @cheesiepetit Junya finally won't cling to me like a koala in the pool!!! I'm so so so happy because he has always been a little cautious with water. And I really want him to be water-savvy because I can't swim to save my own life ?. You know they always say you wish your child can do things that you can't.

I tried to get a coach to teach him in SG but I paid $80 for the coach to tell us "I think he is not ready". ?. I miss our swimming coach in KL who is so good with kids. I mean, it's your job to make the child feel comfortable and confident in water. Plus each session is only RM60 ??? thats when I think Malaysia is better to live in lolol. I think when he is bigger we will consider public swimming school in SG! Today is the first day he "swims" on his own ?.?? On the contrary Sakura looooves the pool and when the water is super cold, she actually squeals in delight ?.


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