ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月25日 01時45分

In her new book, “This Fight Is Our Fight,” @elizabethwarrenma provides behind-the-scenes anecdotes showing why our system works so well for the rich and powerful, from major corporations to prestigious think tanks. The book’s filled with what @ニューヨーク・タイムズ columnist Gretchen Morgenson called “juicy but depressing anecdotes” about how our most trusted institutions have let us down. In particular, it takes @wellsfargo to task. ( Last week, @elizabethwarrenma called for the ouster of the company’s directors and a criminal inquiry into the bank.) Why, years after the financial crisis, are big banks are still large, in charge and, basically, unaccountable for their actions? “In too many of these organizations, there are rewards for cheating and punishments for calling out the cheaters,” @elizabethwarrenma told Gretchen. The senator’s no-nonsense views are bracing. “But they are also informed by a thorough understanding of how dysfunctional Washington now is,” Gretchen writes. Visit the link in our profile to read more about the new book by #ElizabethWarren, who was photographed by @sashafoto.


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