クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 3月13日 21時44分

It's taken me a lot of years to appreciate the desert. I've realized that places like the mountains & ocean are fairly easy to love and when asked, most people are quick to tell you where their heart resides.

But the desert is different... it never gives you that overwhelming instant gratitude for nature that comes all at once like the first time you look at the Sea. There's small glimpses of beauty between intense heat, brutal sun, and heinous wind.... and Its constant state of flux never fully allows you to get to know it wells . But if you're patient with it & sit long enough it will finally let you in.

These last few days have been spent exploring the far reaches of White Sands... a gypsum sand dune that's one of the closest places to Mars you can find on Earth. Sunset turned into moonrise and I saw shapes and colors in the desert I didn't know existed. .

@newmexicotrue @_ryanhill_ @bfshannon @palominocimino @emmasirena


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