Thaila Ayalaのインスタグラム(thailaayala) - 2月15日 07時13分

Eu já falei sobre isso mas venho repetir a IMPORTÂNCIA de se cadastra como doador de medula, gente a sua medula pode salvar a vida da minha amiga @alvsmel e de tantas outras milhares de pessoas q aguardam em filas por isso, e muitas vezes morrem sim, morrem por falta de doação de medula, faça sua parte seja um doador!
Hi guys this is Mel, Mel and I met when she was 5 years old and was fighting with cancer, after one hard year and several treatments she beat that cancer!
But years later doing some Routine examination they found another cancer, this time leukemia!
Here we are asking you to help Mel and so many other people like her who need your help in fighting cancer in order to survive!
Please Make your registration to be a bone marrow donor, it is truly a very simple process and u can help Mel and others stay alive!
I did, and I hope u can do it too!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





Thaila Ayalaを見た方におすすめの有名人