TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 1月12日 03時48分

President-elect Donald Trump denied and denounced an unsubstantiated report published by Buzzfeed and relayed by CNN that said Russia had compromising information about him, calling it an “absolute disgrace” during his first press conference in six months.

During the event, Trump shut down CNN’s senior White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, who was trying to ask him a question. “Not you. Not you. Your organization is terrible,” Trump told Acosta, who was sitting in the crowd among other journalists. “Quiet,” Trump continued, repeatedly telling Acosta not to “be rude.” “I am not going to give you a question. You are fake news,” Trump added.

Read the full report on TIME.com.

Video used with permission. Photograph by Lucas Jackson—@reuters.


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