Tim Lamanのインスタグラム(timlaman) - 9月5日 22時46分

Photo by @Tim Laman. A wild orangutan female in #GunungPalung National Park photographed during my visit in August. Sometimes, orangutans do things that are so human, that you can’t help feeling our close kinship. Why did she sit there for a few minutes with her hand on her head? We will never know what she was thinking, but we do know orangutans are facing tough times. Bornean Orangutans were upgraded this year to “Critically Endangered” – by the IUCN. It means places like #GunungPalungNationalPark, one of #Indonesia’s great strongholds for wild Bornean Orangutans, are even more critical to protect. That’s why Cheryl Knott’s @saveGPorangutans project is working closely with TNGP staff to help safeguard the park, and we are trying to help bring more attention to this area. Keep an eye out for my upcoming story in @ナショナルジオグラフィック magazine later this year on #orangutans. #Kalimantan, #IndonesiaBiodiversity, #Indonesia, #Borneo, @saveGPorangutans, @thephotosociety, @natgeocreative.


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